A non-profit CEO, whom I’ve been working with for the past 9 years, invited me to his central team’s leadership retreat the Washington D.C. area. The meeting was held at the Bolger Center, a beautiful 83 acre space used primarily by the U.S. Postal Service for training. Incidentally, this facility was originally built in 1920 and
Welcome to the Reader Resources for Seekers and Helpers
Download, share, and apply these resources to your next Sacred Conversation. These tools are intended to be practiced. We practice them in our Sacred Conversations community, training and facilitated workshops, facilitator certification programs, and they're available for you! Enjoy and help us start a million Sacred Conversations in Jesus’ name!
Download the Study Guide
This guide provides chapter-by-chapter summaries, reflection questions, and resources for prayer and conversation.
The Model
This model of Sacred Conversation is informed by decades of research on best practices for humanistic dialogue and Sacred Scriptures.
Step 1: Invitation: Is this a good time for a Sacred Conversation?
Step 2: Intention: What grace are you seeking? How can I help?
Step 3: Inquiry: "Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full" (John 16:24).
Step 4: Illumination: What's the "ah-ha?" How is the Spirit moving you?
Step 5: Integration: What's your first next step? What support, grace, or prayer do you want to take forward from this conversation?
Sacred Conversation Starters
These are simple "conversation starters" to practice having Sacred Conversations. Use them as an Invitation or an Intention to start a grace-filled dialogue. Use them to help people experience the life-changing power of Sacred Conversations, helping you become your best self and deepening your friendship with God.
1. Who has had the greatest influence on who you are today?
2. What are some of your deepest values (e.g., faith, family, truth, hope, justice, charity, honesty, courage, etc.)? How do you live these values out each day?
3. What's the best conversation that you've ever had? What was this peak communication experience like? Looking back, how might the Holy Spirit have been at work in that moment?
4. What's working well in your life? Where do you feel like God is leading you? What sets your heart on fire these days?
5. What's your most challenging relationship right now? How is God present in those conversations?
6. How is the Holy Spirit working in our conversation right now?
7. What's your prayer life like? Do you pray? When? Where?
7 Lessons About Sacred Conversations that I learned from IKEA.
1. It takes time and practice to put the pieces together.
2. It doesn't require complex tools, just a willing tool user.
3. Don't jump ahead without making sure you have all the pieces first.
4. Don't skip steps--you'll regret it later.
5. Most of the time, you shouldn't have pieces that are unused.
6. Be humble and patient with yourself and with others.
7. Ask for help.
Episode 151, Sacred Conversations in a Digital Age: Insights from Dr. Christopher Reed
A candid conversation on Mercy Unbound with Dr. Bryan Thatcher.
Resources for Prayer
Lectio divina is a universal form of devotion and prayer. In lectio divina a person aspires to knowledge of the presence of Christ through meditation on and contemplation of the word of sacred scriptures. The primary point is not to read the scriptures in view of doctrinal clarification or theological understanding--although these kinds of readings of scripture are necessary. Instead one treats the scriptures as a living source of the presence of God.
For example, in the Gospel of John where Christ says, "No longer do I call you servants...I have called you friends" (Jn 15:15), one might rightly reflect upon theological questions about the nature of friendship with Christ, the nature of Christian charity, and so on. But in lectio divina we focus more on the real presence of Christ as the friend of sinners, on his invitation to discipleship, perhaps God, by gifts of the Holy Spirit, will even invite us into a more intimate and mystical friendship with him, or guide us to or through a conversation with a friend in need.
Synodality Resources
What is the Synod on Synodality?
Vatican Resources
Free White Paper on Synodality & Sacred Conversations
Training Considerations
What is the Synod on Synodality?
The Catholic Church defines a synod on synodality as a pivotal gathering of bishops and other representatives from various regions, aimed at fostering a deeper sense of collaboration, dialogue, and communal decision-making within the Church. Rooted in the concept of synodality, which emphasizes the participation and consultation of the entire People of God, a synod on synodality reflects the Church's commitment to unity, diversity, and a collective pursuit of discerning God's will.
At the heart of a synod on synodality is the belief that the Holy Spirit speaks through the voices of all believers, underscoring the significance of active engagement and listening. By convening such synods, the Catholic Church seeks to create a space where diverse perspectives, experiences, and challenges are brought to the forefront. Through prayerful reflection, open discussions, and collaborative decision-making, synod participants work together to address pressing issues facing the Church and society.
Furthermore, a synod on synodality is not merely a formal assembly but a manifestation of the Church's ongoing commitment to renewal and adaptation. It echoes the early Christian model of gathering for communal discernment, as seen in the Acts of the Apostles. This process of synodality is aimed at strengthening the bonds of communion among the faithful, promoting a sense of co-responsibility in spreading the Gospel message, and ensuring that the Church remains relevant and responsive to the evolving needs of the faithful and the world.
In essence, a synod on synodality encapsulates the Church's dedication to inclusivity, dialogue, shared decision-making, and the active participation of all members in shaping the Church's mission and future. It embodies the belief that the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit are not confined to a select few, but flow through the collective wisdom and discernment of the entire Body of Christ.
Vatican Resources on Synodality
As Christians, we are called to be holy and to glorify God through our good works. Learning and incorporating Sacred Conversations into our daily spiritual practices can help us on this journey. Are Sacred Conversations right for you?
Download FREE White Paper
This is a more academic paper about Sacred Conversations that was presented by Dr. Chris Reed at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists. Click to download.
Sacred Conversations Training
Sacred Conversations training provides a process and skills to facilitate 1:1 and small group Sacred Conversations.
1. Enhances capacity to engage in communal discernment
2. Strengthens inclusion and engagement
3. Adaptation to changing realities
Interested in Training? Contact us.
Educational Articles
A Sacred Conversation for Mom
A Sacred Conversation for MomInstead of flowers, brunch, or pedicure, why don’t you give the mother’s in your life a truly unique gift? Mother’s Day is a great day for resting, relaxing, and curling up with a good book or having a conversation over a cup of coffee with someone about “motherhood.” Here’s a unique gift idea
A Prayer for Surrender
I was having a Sacred Conversation with a colleague this week, who is writing a beautiful book about how the Blessed Mother, and the Mysteries of the Rosary, have healed, consoled, and transformed her through many life struggles. Sometimes, however, we hang onto things. We can’t surrender them. We like to hold onto them. These “attachments”
How to Become the Beloved Disciple
What does it mean to become a beloved disciple? John 13:23, 14:21, 19:26-27, 21:7 give us some hints to reflect on. The beloved disciple as portrayed in these verses reflects the following characteristics: He knows Jesus Human beings cannot love someone, in the deepest sense, whom they do not know. And we cannot offer ourselves completely to someone whom
30 Reasons to Join a Book Club
Participating in a book club offers a range of valuable benefits, fostering personal, intellectual, spiritual, and social growth. Here are several values associated with being in a book club: Literary Exploration:Exposure to a diverse range of genres and authors.Encourages reading outside of one’s comfort zone.Expands knowledge of literature and storytelling styles.Intellectual Stimulation:Stimulates critical thinking through discussion
Advent Reflections
Advent holds profound significance in the Catholic faith and other Christian denominations, marking the beginning of the liturgical year and a season of anticipation. Lasting four weeks before Christmas, it symbolizes the spiritual preparation for the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth. Catholics engage in prayer, reflection, and repentance during Advent, emphasizing hope, love, joy, and
Hi, I'm
Christopher Reed
I'm a Catholic, a husband, a guitar player, and a human communication scientist, facilitator, and coach. In many ways, I'm just like you--searching for what God's plan is for me, and trying to help others to do the same. I'm very excited to share my new book with you and help you start having Sacred Conversations.
Christopher Reed, phd