In this post I want to share a basic definition of what Sacred Conversations are.
Simply put, Sacred Conversations are human interactions designed to help participants involved become better versions of themselves. This is the definition that I provide in my forthcoming book, Sacred Conversations: How God Wants us to Communicate.
Let's take a closer look at what this definition means.
Human Interactions
First, Sacred Conversations are human communication interactions between two people or a small group. They are interpersonal and group encounters between people who are struggling with the same "stuff" of life that you and I are struggling with. Family, work, leadership, community, race, gender, faith and life "stuff." I summarize this "stuff" in the Sacred Conversations Model as: Pain, suffering, hopes, and dreams.
Designed to Help
Second, Sacred Conversations are built to help transform pain and suffering. By this I mean that they have a special structure, flow, and nature to them. I'll address the structure of Sacred Conversations in a future post. The people involved in Sacred Conversations have specific roles to play. Seekers are people who are searching for a way forward. They're usually "stuck." They're searching for meaning, purpose, a closer relationship with God, a better way forward, or maybe just someone to listen to them. Helpers are companions, witnesses, partners on the journey, and they ultimately are there to ask helpful questions and listen.
Better Versions of Themselves
Finally, Sacred Conversations transform both Seekers and Helpers. Both people learn, grow, and become better versions of themselves. They feel more aligned, fulfilled, virtuous, happy, and a sense of peace. Wow! What a gift! How does this happen? It happens because Sacred Conversations, with the presence of the Holy Spirit, are transformative. The process transforms pain, suffering, hopes, and dreams into action.
That's the power of compassion and Sacred Conversations. That's what makes them different from mere "small talk," "difficult," or "crucial" conversations. These are conversations that call us to love our neighbor as ourselves. By doing so, we see with new eyes. We listen with a more compassionate heart. And we connect with the "selves" that God has in store for us.
So that's a simple introduction to what Sacred Conversations are. They are human interactions designed to help participants involved become better versions of themselves. By transforming pain, suffering, hopes, and dreams through loving, compassionate conversation, they lead to a better you, better us, and better world! Thanks be to God!
There's much more to learn about having Sacred Conversations in your life. If you want to learn more about the book, workshops, coaching or Teaching Sacred Conversations, contact me here.